More fun with mythtv

Taking back my last. It was a stupid configuration error I made. It took a while but now I have lirc doing my bidding both on the xbox mythtv frontend, as well as the backed machine running with a pvr-500. For the xbox frontend using the xbox dvd kit the working lircrc found here had to be copied to .lircrc and a softlink made like so ln -s ~/.lircrc ~/.mythtv/lircrc. For the backend I found working instructions here . And an lircd.conf to use with my SA3250 here .

Down with the bastard child…

Ok I got fed up with using Xebian, and installed Fedora Core 4 on my xbox. I then installed mythtv, mythplugins, etc.. al from rpm’s. The install was fairly quick I copied the contents of my FC4 install dvd to /var/www/html/install of another machine on my local network. Then I used the bootdisk found here to do an http install.
Anyway fuck that I am going to buy a real HTPC case, and actually make a plan for the mythtv frontend. The xbox is nice but its not as quiet as I would like, the menu’s are sluggish, ripping a dvd takes an eon (I rip and mpeg4 encode). I think I was spoiled by the pundit frontend.

MythTV Xbox Frontend

I got my xbox working as a mythtv frontend while on vacation. I tried gentooX, grew annoyed and settled on Xebian as my distribution of choice. I am partially blogging this so that I can remember what I had to do to get everything working.
1) Installed modchip, a spider
2) Flashed modchip with 100% legal cromwell bios (I had to use a Memorex branded cdrw for the xbox drive to recognize it)
3) Installed Xebian (also had to use Memorex branded cdrw)
4) apt-get update && apt-get upgrade, you know the deal
5) Installed lame from source
6) Installed qt4-dev-tools w/ apt
7) Installed libtiff-dev w/ apt
8) Installed cdparanoia from source
9) Installed flac from source
10) Installed libid3tag from source
12) Installed mpeg2dec from source
11) Installed ffmpeg from source with ./configure –enable-shared –enable-pthreads
12) Installed libdvdread from source
14) Installed transcode frm source
15) Installed mythtv from source
16) Installed mythplugins from source


Here is the OS X Asterisk 1.2.0-beta1 installer as promised, for those of you who don’t want to install the developer tools just to use this awesome sofware. It includes asterisk-sounds and an uninstaller that it sticks in /etc/asterisk. Make sure you copy that somewhere else before you use it. Enjoy

I took a little time to have some fun.

I ended up buying a soekris net4801 + case + power supply + 512 MB compact flash card, and going down the list of distributions designed for it trying to figure out what to do with this really nice hardware now that I had it. I tried pebble linux, m0n0wall, pfsense, and astlinux, I also looked into setting up a stompbox but there is no EVDO or even EDGE in my area so “F” that. I got bored, sold the soekris on ebay and bought a bluetooth keyboard and mighty mouse for my ibook. We officially have two ibooks in the house and my wife couldn’t be happier. Good investment, no more showing her where the openoffice icon is under gnome 2.10. I still need to set up the software raid 5 box as a backup machine + fileserver. As far as finding a phone that sync’s with isync goes…. I’ll wait for the Motorola apple collaboration. Links coming later…

Damn I’m busy.

I guess this is what it’s like to be an adult. I have NO time for personal projects. I have a list of shit I want to do, but have no time to do. Here goes.

Shit I want to get done.
1.Set up a software RAID 5 box as a file server and backup machine.

2.Get a soekris box and set up m0n0wall instead of the relatively crappy linksys solution I’m using now. (I bought a 4801, case, and power supply yesterday.

3.Create an real plan for our WiMAX rollout.

4.Get a phone that sync’s with isync, and will function as a bluetooth modem under Tiger.

5.Finish reading the latest edition of make magazine.
