I need a research budget.

The whole point of WiMax was for carriers not to need as massive a fiber build out. It appears to have arrived too late for those kind of ambitions because telco’s and cable operators are already in the middle of the massive fiber build out that will be needed for next generation, high bandwidth applications. Time Warner had to upgrade 60% of the head ends and cabling around here before they could gauruntee the QOS they needed to meet Sprint’s minimum requirements. This cost them tens of millions of dollars. The thing WiMax has on fiber is cost. Imagine how much it cost time warner to wire up all of those houses, keep the coax maintained, service calls because of cable problems, etc… trust me its alot. By beginning with a high bandwidth wireless architecture you can provide the same services at a fraction of the costs. I can’t even quantify how much it costs to build and maintain a cable network, but I know a guy that can and the answer is tens of millions per year. What WiMax allows us to do is directly compete for the same market with a much smaller initial investment. My plan is incomplete because I have spent all of my time on the viatalk project but here is how things can work.

Data -this is easy WiMax CPE works in a similar manner to cable modems, the spec was built on the DOCSIS spec which is basically MAC authentication with provisions for encryption, and different levels of service provisioning (one guy can get 1 MB down, and another 3MB for instance)

Voice -also relatively easy, we can simply stick a pap2 on one of the ethernet ports and QOS sip traffic to the highest priority, then we set the accounts up as we normally do

IPTV -this is a little newer, there exists (1)CPE, designed (2)for this. To get the content, you set up a reseller account with the national programming service, get a C band satellite (these toss you mpeg2 video) NPS is something like 10 cents per channel per customer, and it goes down the more customers you get. That is exactly what cable companies do which is why if you drive pas a headend you see a bunch off satellites pointed to different transponders.

New Services – What will really set a provider apart is new services that don’t yet exist.

The triple threat

OK. I got a little off topic last time. I’ll try to stay on topic and simply discuss the technologies that have, and will make the triple threat possible. By triple threat I mean the IPTV, VoIP, and high speed data services I spoke about in my last article. First off there is fiber optics. Fiber is really nothing new. Telco’s have been using it as far as I can remember to trunk between themselves. Everyone knows the physical properties of fiber, good stuff like 0.0009% (made up number), attenuation for every one thousand miles, and damn good resistance to electromagnetic interference. The amount of bandwidth that fiber can carry is truly ridiculous. So there is one route, and thats the route the the major telecommunications providers are taking now, running cables. It will cost billions, they will make billions more, and it will protect us against terrorist attack (*I just threw that one in there*).

Whats IPTV?

What is IPTV? Thats what people ask me when I bring up the topic in conversation. Basically, its just as it sounds. In the same manner that voice services are making the transition from traditional analog implementations to digital communications over existing networks (think voip), the time has come for our traditionally analog cable networks to not just go digital, but for the services they provide to be moved to an existing network. The problem is that our existing high speed internet connections simply don’t provide enough bandwidth to carry all of those channels, well not at the same time. But thats not the end of that story. There is a massive fiber optic build out going on in this country. Right now, as I type this article, cable companies are racing telcos to get fiber to your door so that they can sell you the big picture. Voice. Data. Video. Whatever else. Cable companies want to sell you VoIP. Telco’s want to sell you video. Apple’s using x86. I keep looking up for the flying swine. I’ve strayed. I’ll explain more tomorrow.

Apple is transitioning to the x86 architecture.

I am beyond words with this one guys. I have been at different times, a member of both camps of the x86 vs ppc debate. I can remember signing an online petition to make OS X available for x86, namely Intel manufactured hardware. Then, as I matured, I came to see the beauty of the PowerPC architecture. I even wrote some articles about what I had learned. I finally saved all my pennies, and got a brand spankin new ibook last month. OS X is a dream. After installing gentoo for OS X, darwinports (bsd ports modified to compile under OS X), and MS Office on the same machine (face it openoffice just doesn’t hit it), that was it for me. I’m in love. I compile my own software, when I want, with the CFLAGS I want, and as they say all of the things the wife has to ask me how to do under linux, just work. Marketing hype aside PPC was nice while it lasted but development was just moving too slowly. IBM was like look Steve, I know we made a promise but you didn’t say anyting about it needing to go into one of that artsy laptops. Intel was like if you think the dothan rocked, wait’ll we start hiring college grads. And the ppc arch in workstations, just like that, is dead. I for one don’t give a damn anymore, I thought I would but I don’t. I simly want to continue to drink Apple flavoured kool aid. If they want to sell me an uber quiet SPARC box that runs OS X, I’ll buy. That is, as long as dsniff compiles.

/etc/init.d/blogd start

Day one… At this point I’m well into project viatalk. I really started keeping track of our architectual changes 3 monts ago but w/ no time, what are you gonna do? Basically I’m the system admin at a VoIP provider, and launch == any day now. Don’t want to spoil the fun so stay tuned on that front. I’m also investigating VOIP and IPTV over WiMAX, if you have no idea what that means come back next week cause I’m gonna break it down. For now, use google dude. If your wondering what the hell the title is all about, its asterisk syntax that would playback “that is not a recognised phone number”. PBX geeks know it as the invalid extension. Whatever, I thought it was funny.

We went to Boston.

We went to Boston. It was a nice trip maybe a 2 hour drive and we stayed in a nice hotel “Doubletree” I believe was the name. 821 Washington St., which is smack dab in the middle of chinatown. The part of Boston our hotel was in was basically a mecca for old asian women. Every block was littered with them, damn they walk slowly, I was pushing a stroller like MOVE PEOPLE! Boston overall is a really nice town, they have a well developed bay area with an aquarium, and above all for geeks like me, an IMAX theatre. The boy pretty much slept the entire time. We walked along the docks, he slept. We went to the aquarium, he slept. We went to Legal Seafood (legendary seafood resturaunt), he slept. I only have two things to bitch about and both are about the hotel, not the town.

1. WiFi (you know this is a big one for me), they advertised wireless internet access and granted they didn’t say it was free $10 a day is OK for one day but what if I had stayed a week. $70 just so I can have something that is essential to my work would have really pissed me off, and in fact I would have probably just chosen a hotel that advertised free wireless internet access even if the the per night cost balanced it out. For me it’s the principal. It’s 2005, thats like not taking credit cards, fine for some slumlord, but a decent hotel c’mon.

2. Checkout is at noon, while checkin is at 4:00 pm. This may be industry standard but what WTF? Made up scenario:
I fly from N.Y.C. to L.A., and get to L.A. at noon. I now have to wait in the lobby for four hours until 4:00 pm after I just took a six hour flight. Then in the morning I have to be out of there by noon, or pay for another night. So I pay for 24 hours, and I get 20, nice. Somethings wrong here.